Heading into 2020

We’d like to wish all our customers a happy and warm Christmas this year. We’ve been super busy leading up to the Christmas break. I know all our arborists will be glad to rest up with friends and family. Our tree surveyors too, have been busy finishing off tree surveys for the end of the year.

Heading into 2020 we’ve got some pests and diseases that tree owners need to be aware of. At the end of summer 2019 we acted on two cases of OPM: Oak Processionary Moth or Thaumetopoea processionea. For more information: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/tree-pests-and-diseases/key-tree-pests-and-diseases/oak-processionary-moth/

The health of the public with regards to OPM is especially important and well worth reading up on if you own any Oak trees. Even if an Oak tree is not owned by you it may be prudent to report the tree if you spot caterpillars nesting or otherwise in the name of public health.

How to spot OPM: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/public-urged-to-report-oak-processionary-moth-caterpillar-sightings

Ash dieback or Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is also increasing its strong hold on our county. To find out how we deal with this problem please call us and book an appointment with one of our knowledgeable surveyors who can positively identify the disease to make a plan of action for you and your garden.

Away from negative news of pest and disease warfare in Oxfordshire we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holiday season. We look forward to looking after our customers in 2020.Our hearts are always warmed with joy when we give back to our favourite charity: Multiple Sclerosis Society, we’ve raised £880.00 to date. Thank you so much to our lovely donors. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ringrosewood